Mist, Motels, and Mountain Brews

By Ian Guevara

“I’m not gonna make it,” Austin said, exasperated from his nearly 100 mile journey on the Appalachian Trail.

We hoofed it up to Wayah Bald to camp for the night.  Louie, Jonathan, Homelessman, and I first saw Austin as he slowly climbed the trail, knee braces, poles, and pack plodding up the sharp climb from Wayah Crest.

Austin was destined for the Nantahala Outdoor Center, an outdoors store that rests on the confluence of the Nantahala River and the Appalachian Trail.  His feet were literally one single blister, red, bruised, and bloodied by torrential rain and endless switchbacks.

We met Austin Cash at the base of the Wayah Bald Fire Tower, as a mist fell upon us, and talked about the Appalachian Trail.  There’s a kinship involved around those who’ve seen the same peaks and smelled the same mountain air.  We talked of shared sights seen and campsites slept.  Deep Gap, Standing Indian Mountain, Bear Pen Gap, and Albert Mountain, all the standard sights on the southern leg of the North Carolina Appalachians.

Wayah Bald Fire Tower, NC

As the rain turned from mist to sheets, we huddled inside the base of the tower, sheltered from the schizophrenic mountain weather.

“Would you like a beer, bro?” I asked opening up a small cooler displaying a six pack of Coors Light tall boys.

Austin sipped the golden brew and his eyes showed a glint of rejuvenation.  Days of trail fatigue evaporated as he sipped the plebian brew.

“This is the best beer I’ve ever tasted,” he exaggerated, obviously just happy to taste a little bit of normalcy.

Austin was only supposed to stop at Wayah Bald for a quick rest, looking to make his way to Cold Springs Shelter some six miles up the trail.  He ended up staying the night at Wayah Bald.

We grilled burgers, through a relentless mist, in one of those state park grilling stations where you play tetanus roulette trying to remember when the last time you received a booster.  Again, Austin’s soul was invigorated by the taste of grilled red meat and Homlessman’s hors d'oeuvres: a simple addition of ritz crackers, mayo, tomato, and jalapeno.  True mountain living.

The Relentless Mist

As we began to set up camp for the night, Austin was at a crossroads.  Should he hike the 20 plus miles to the Nantahala Outdoor Center to meet his pickup, OR, ask us for a ride to the trailhead?

His answer was easy, take the ride.

So I picked up a hitchhiker for the second time, on the Appalachian Trail, with Louie for the second time.

We stuffed ourselves into my trusty Nissan Frontier and made our way down the mountain.  As we rode I waxed poetically over my love of casino table games.  At the trailhead, Austin was effusive with gratitude.  He offered us money for the ride, but Mr. Groome’s philosophy of helping those in need overpowered by lust for gas and beer money.  Austin, disregarding my egalitarianism, found my Venmo, and sent me $100 for “Casinos and Beer”.

Austin is the dude crammed in the back seat next to the window.

We were supposed to drive up to Telico Gap, then hike to Wesser Bald and hammock camp on top of Wesser Bald.  The weather for Wesser looked to be the same as Wayah so we took that as an excuse to relax.

“We have credit cards, we’re adults, screw it!  Let's get a hotel room and relax,” I rationalized.

We traveled south along Highway 19 to Andrews, North Carolina and settled ourselves in the worst Quality Inn $100 a night could afford.  As we rolled up in the parking lot, after we paid our tithe to the hotel gods, each room door was open with fans wafting a mildew stench into the mountain air.  We didn't care.  We just wanted hot showers and a taste of the breweries that Adrews had to offer.

That’s how we ended up at Hoppy Trout Brewing Company.

Hoppy Trout Brewing Company - Andrews, NC

Hoppy Trout sits on the  Main Street of Andrews, North Carolina.  Its nondescript location contrasts its ability to excite the taste buds of any beer lover.  The brewery provides an intimate bar-like atmosphere with a pizza kitchen that entices the nostrils as soon as you enter.

Since that fateful collection of a hitchhiker and his debt, I have returned on several occasions.  Each time is a trip in itself.  Great music, experimental beers, and incredible pizza meets you at any visit to Hoppy Trout.  Today I am visited by Chis, the excellent bartender and part-timer brewer.

My first flight consisted of “Blood of My Enemies”, “From Sauna to Sea”, “Squeeze of the Day”, and “Pterodactyl in Suits”.  Blood of My Enemies is a delightful Sour that possesses a beautiful red color that almost glows.  It has an excellent crisp for a sour where its sourness hits immediately but is tempered by a delightful citrus aftertaste.  Squeeze of the Day is a Blood Orange Wit that displays a hazy yellow color and is light, ariy, crispy, and slightly sweet. Squeeze provides a little saltiness and makes for a great summer beer.

The Pose

Pterodactyl in Suits is a solid Saison with a gold pitch and a smell of cucumber and spice.  It delivers a refreshing cucumber punch with a subtle jalapeno aftertaste that sits on the back of the tongue and dances.

From Sauna to the Sea is a Finnish Sahti Ale that is the star of this tour.  It's a deep gold. The juniper and spruce smell almost assaults you, but in a good way.  This is a different beer, one that I’ve never tasted before, it tastes like Christmans.  It's an odd ale that you just want to keep unwrapping to find more presents.

My final flights were filled with “Wentzek^3”, “Kilty Pleasures”, “Impress the King”, and “Juggling Molecules”.  Wentzek^3 is a Belgian Tripel showing a straw gold color, a yeasty smell, and a floral and sweet forward taste with a slight spiciness that follows.  Kilty Pleasures is a Scottish Ale on Nitro showing a brown, burnt caramel color that’s tasty, dark, and mysterious.

A slight variation on The Pose

Impress the King is a standard Stout Deep showcasing a dark chocolate and red amber with a chocolatey smell and an oaky taste balanced with a sweet flavor.  Juggling Molecules is a straight-forward IPA with an old gold color and a hoppy smell that hits up front.  Juggling provides a hop forward flavor that's tasty.  Even though it has sweetness for balance, it is a perfectly crafted IPA.

Hoppy Trout Brewing Company is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 2pm to 9pm.  The brewery provides a great local bar feel with a great selection of hand-tossed pizzas.  It headlines over 10 house beers, a cider, and a rootbeer that may be all sampled on a barrel slat called “The Jury”, just make sure you have a partner with you because they require two to make that ride.

Don't ever be afraid to give someone a ride, you may end up drunk, fat, and happy.


Running Down the Dad Beers


Playlists, Detours, and Squid Ink